Ian Apperly

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Research Group

My group’s common focus is on the processes involved in “higher cognitive functions”, such as mindreading, self-control and mental flexibility. The work of students and postdocs in the group usually varies in its emphasis on developmental, cognitive or neuroscientific methods, and we have regular group meetings that ensure these inform each other. We are very fortunate to have excellent collaborators in Birmingham and outside, who make this multi-disciplinary approach possible.


We are particularly involved in the Social Cognition and Neuroscience research group, the Infant and Child Laboratory, the Cognitive Development research group, the Cerebra Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders.


The links below lead to summaries of different strands of our work, with links to the people involved.



Theory of mind in adults

Two-systems for theory of mind

Cognitive development

Atypical development and genetic disorders

PhD students